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A second area along the eastern perimeter has been cleared of invasive plants and planted with native understory trees -  dogwood (Cornus florida), redbud (Cercis canadensis), Carolina silver bell (Halesia carolina) and native shrubs - spicebush (Lindera benzoin), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), and Hearts-a-Bursting (Euonymus americanus).  All are beneficial to and beloved by birds and other pollinators.  

Thank you to the Georgetown Garden Club for support of this project!

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The Pergola is partially restored -  broken and missing beams and slats have been replaced.  The benches will be rebuilt with milled wood from the majestic white oak near the playground that died last year.

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The Armillary Sphere is reinstalled -  the sphere was vandalized in June of 2019.  It was broken off its pedestal, bent out of shape, but left on the ground.  We have finally been able to have the sphere repaired and reinstalled!

Thank you to the Georgetown Garden Club for support of this project.

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We cleared an area of invasive plants and planted six native understory trees -  dogwood (Cornus florida) and redbud (Cercis canadensis) and twelve native shrubs - spicebush (Lindera benzoin), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) and Hearts-a-Bursting (Euonymus americanus).  All are beneficial to and beloved by birds and other pollinators.  


The rose beds are getting a refresh!

Shrubs infected with rose rosette disease have been removed and replaced.  And border plantings, including lavender (Lavandula x 'Phenomenal') and catmint (Nepeta kubanica 'Neptune'have been replanted. 


The Front Steps are rebuilt!  

The roots of the Gingko biloba tree on the sidewalk caused the sidewalk and the front steps of the park to heave and buckle, causing unsafe conditions.  After many meetings and generous contributions we were finally able to rebuild the steps.  The sidewalk and the steps had to be regraded and raised, and a sophisticated support system of steel piers was put in place under ground to allow the tree roots to continue to grow without causing further damage.

Thank you to the Friends of Montrose Park and the Georgetown Garden Club for support of this project.




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Georgetown, Washington D.C.

R Street between 30th and 31st Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20007

Friends of Montrose Park is an official partner of the National Park Service, supporting Rock Creek Park through its SOLVE (Sustaining Our Lands with Volunteer Energy) stewardship program.

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